Find Support

With locations and events across London you can access all our sexual health & well-being services free at the point of use.

Please note that you should only visit our main office during working hours if you have an appointment.


Free Services

Instant HIV Testing Available for people aged 16 and over who are London residents.

Free, rapid testing for HIV delivered daily by our friendly staff. Come and see us at any of the many outreach testing sessions we offer on a daily basis.

Check our website calendar for a list of where and when you can find our testing sessions. Free condoms and health support also available at all sessions.

If you plan to come to our office, please book your appointment before travelling to us. No appointment is necessary for any sessions outside of the main office.
Please note that if you need a written HIV test result (Negative HIV test certificate), Spectra will charge £50 to cover the costs. You are required to bring a photo ID and have the rapid HIV test in our office. Please book your appointment.

Why do I need a HIV Test

  • Testing is quick, free, easy to do and gives you an immediate result.
  • Knowing your HIV status is important. If you’re positive you can get early treatment which is highly effective and will keep you healthy. If you’re negative you can make sure you keep protecting yourself.

HIV Testing

Condoms, lube and safer sex packs

Free condoms, lube and safer sex packs available from Spectra at all our outreach sessions and from our offices. Come along to our office or to one of our many outreach venues to pick some up. Check our Event Calendar for a list of where and when you can find us.

Why do I need condoms and lube?

  • Condoms are the cheapest and most effective way to protect yourself from HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
  • Condoms come in many sizes and shapes – try out a few and see which ones suit you best.
  • If you’re having anal sex, or for vaginal comfort, it’s good to use lube.

Get Free Condoms

Peer Services for People of Trans Experience

Spectra offers arrange of services to trans, non-binary and gender-diverse people. Spectra’s services are delivered by people of trans experience themselves in a friendly, safe, confidential, non-judgmental and accessible space.

Our Trans Services

  • Social Groups
  • Counselling
  • 1-2-1 Mentoring, Advocacy and Signposting
  • Workshops

Go to our trans services page for more information.

Trans Services

Spectra Youth Service – Student Spectra

Student Spectra provides support and information around relationships, sexual health, and well-being to young people aged 13 and over. All services are free, voluntary, and confidential. We work across London, but some services are limited by borough.

What do we offer?

  • 1:1 mentoring support
  • Counselling support
  • LGBTQ+ counselling
  • LGBTQ+ youth groups
  • Sexual health services
  • RSE information sessions

Student Spectra

STI Screening, Health Checks and Support

Please note that our STI screening service is in coorperation with Sexual Health London.

How we do STI Screening?

Are you worrying about any Sexually Transmittable Infections (STIs) other than HIV? We have partnered with some NHS services to provide STI self-sampling service.

We have the SHL STI screening kits. Or, you can bring your own (free order available from The service provides testing for a range of sexually transmitted infections including chlamydia, gonorrhoea, HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and hepatitis C via samples you collect here. We will help you to register with SHL and collect your blood sample. This service is available to people aged 16 and over who are London residents, excluding Croyden, Greenwich and Hillingdon).

STI Screening

No appointment necessary – check the calendar on our website for when we are near you, or if you prefer to make an appointment you can call us on 0800 587 8302


Mission & Aims

For our Communities

  • Increased emotional resilience and wellbeing
  • Improved physical and sexual health
  • Greater understanding of and confidence in their identity, and greater feelings of safety
  • An increased sense of community and peer support, and reduced isolation
  • New skills and employability, increased knowledge, and confidence to access other services
  • Services that are more inclusive and appropriate to people’s needs

For Funders

  • Intelligence and analysis to inform policy
  • Evidence on costs in relation to return on investment, and value for money
  1. Aim 1: Empowering people to achieve their life aspirations, and make positive choices about their health, wellbeing and social welfare.

  2. Aim 2: Reduce stigma, discrimination and inequalities by providing accurate information, education, and case-based advocacy support.

  3. Aim 3: Challenge, Inform, and Influence public policy in areas of gender, sexuality, trans status, intersectionality and social stigma.

  4. Outcomes

Subscribe to Spectra CIC


Our work & Clients

We provide peer based support through:

  • Outreach
  • Groups – social and therapeutic
  • One to one support
  • Health screening and individual assessment
  • Counselling
  • Training and consultation on sexual health, sexuality and gender identities





Contact Spectra


Spectra work with all those who need our services. Our main client groups are:

  • Men who have sex with men
  • Trans and non-binary people and those questioning their gender identity
  • Black and minority ethnic people of all sexualities and gender identities
  • Young people






Contact Spectra




“You are doing great things!!!!! Thanks so much!”

The experience and accumulated wisdom of Spectra’s staff/facilitators shines through, and their sensitivity to each of our very varied life experiences is invaluable. I really can’t thank all of you enough for providing, in the first place, a forum for us to meet and make sense of things, and secondly, for providing a gateway for us to explore life on our own terms, cognisant of who we are and confident in how we live our lives.

You can read the full letter from Myfanwy here.

“Spectra always go the extra distance……”

I wanted to officially thank Spectra for your work with us over National HIV Testing Week 2017 in Kingston. Fantastic to work with your team, all experienced and show such professional enthusiasm.  A model we will repeat again for sure.

I would also add that the liaison with Anthony, Spectra Programme and Volunteer Manager, has always been excellent, friendly and efficient. Spectra are always ready to say ‘yes’ and go the extra distance in terms of getting our local needs met in planning NHTW activities, and other outreach projects.

“for maybe the first time am not feeling so alone in this journey/ general climate of hostility”

Maybe not as tough as things have been for so many, but have really really struggled so far & past few years trying to hold my head above suicidal has been the goal each day. Feel like I’ve found a home & a safe(r) place to be able to exist. Difficult to put this feeling into words. Especially as a transitioning parent, having somebody like Jack facilitate, kinda rocked my small world in ways bigger than I have words for. Endless love & thank you from places deeper than I can express.