Community Participatory Evaluation Group

A series of short focus groups for Spectra’s Trans Empowerment Programme fromed by service users.

Our Trans Programme participatory evaluation group is designed to recognise and include our peer trans and non-binary service users as important stakeholders in service improvement and evaluation.

TEP service users may be invited to join an evaluation focus group with others to share your experiences of the service and will be paid for your time. The responses will be used anonymously in reporting to our funders about our services, and possibly for future funding bids.

Your responses will provide useful insights and will help inform our service delivery planning processes.

The next group is due to take place in February, so if you are interested in taking part, please contact for more information.

What is the group for?

The focus group is being conducted to get a better understanding of what are the barriers to accessing support and your experiences as a trans or non-binary person accessing support. Your input is crucial as it helps us gain an understanding into what is happening ‘on the ground’ and to better provide for future need, such as support and services.

It is an opportunity to ask questions, listen to peer experience, needs, solutions that might not be collected through other channels. It can be used for particular purposes, and can provide:

  1. Insight about our services, service experience and where we can improve services and what is working well – a useful internal feedback loop.
  2. Insight for reports to grant funders that support our work to let them know what their support has achieved/ or not (against what we said we would do). In this type of activity, we would look at what information would we like to know about that we have not collected and could collect regarding planned outcomes.
  3. All this insight is also crucially used for future service planning and funding for example, to guide the service design going forward in new applications.

Who can join the group?

  • Any current and former trans and non-binary service users who would like to share their experience of using Spectra services.

Will I be paid for contributing my time?

  • Yes, we will pay each participant £20 for each 90-minute-long Focus Group. Payments will be made directly to your account by Bank Transfer.

What will be done with the information gathered?

The information we collect from you will be used to inform us on service improvements with a focus on areas that really matter to our service users.   All information collected about you will be kept private.  Only the TEP staff will be allowed to look at information about you. Your personal details from the consent form, meaning your name, and other demographics will be kept in a different safe place to the information gathered from the focus group session, and will be stored securely. All information will be destroyed at the end of the Focus group Evaluation and reporting period. Your personal information will not be included in the final report and there is no way that you can be identified from it.



Register & inquiry

Your views are important to us. Please apply to be part of our evaluation group by contacting